Welcome to the William J. Hughes Technical Center WAAS Test Team

The real-time performance plots are created every three minutes, and all real-time plot pages update every two minutes. The real-time plots show up-to-the-minute WAAS performance.
Real-Time Gallery
The 24-hour performance plots show yesterday's performance using the total 24-hours of data. Any daily plot page updates every 24 hours.
24-Hour Gallery
Performance videos show animated performance data for the previous 24-hour period.
Video GalleryReal-Time Satellite Corrections, IGP GIVEs and Delays, and the WAAS GEO Footprints are updated every three minutes.
Performance analysis reports are updated quarterly and contain the most detailed analyses of GPS and WAAS performance. The WAAS technical reports coincide with links contained in the PAN reports and give detailed analysis on specific problem occurrences.